DUMC raid BN’s diversion tactic from Bersih issues

DUMC raid BN’s diversion tactic from Bersih issues
Yellow Tiger
Aug 9, 11
Was it really religion that was behind the Jais raid on DUMC? Someone told me it was not, so Muslims and Christians should stop suspecting one another.

It was politics.

Remember Bersih 2.0 chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan and Bersih leaders held an event at the DUMC? Was the Jais raid to punish the DUMC church for lending Ambiga their ears?

The attacks on the Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim seems to support the story.

The plot is to get people to blame the Selangor government for the raid. Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin etc. all blame the MB when we all know that Khlaid knew nothing about the raid, but the two conspirators H1 and H2 and certain BN politicians knew about it beforehand.

The public’s focus should be on electoral cheating, such as revelations of permanent residents being registered to vote and becoming instant citizens when exposed.

About amarillobersih

July 9th 2011 is a new day forward
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